Well i have restarted my isopod colony and now have around 10+ individuals. Hoefully by Spring 2012 i will have around 1000+ so that we can start experimenting with my isopods and posting all about it in the blog. So far they are in the common setup. Since i haven't shared with you how i start my isopod cultures i may as well here:
Firstly add a layer of mulch either from the woods or from somwhere else. Now i like to add in some soil too. But if  it's winter and you can't find soil outside you can use potting soil, peat moss or coco fiber stuff.Now add in a layer of dead decaying leaves and some food waste [ie vegtable matter such as some lettuce or carrots] and then add in another layer of mulch. It should look like this:
Dead Leaves
Dirt/peatmoss ect
Food wastes
More mulch
 Now after that i like to moisten it all up [as isopods breathe through gills not lungs] and your all set.

I shall continue to post updates when i can.